Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
This post is very late but I kept forgetting to post about my trip to Lagoon. Just this last summer M and I along with two good friends went to Lagoon for a long over due day of fun for ourselves. First off we went on the Rattle Snake Rapids several times well before the day became hot to avoid the crowed. We did not stop riding it until each member of our group was drenched. It was my favorite ride when they first put it in several years ago and it still one of my favorite rides. A new feature of this ride is the the onlookers can drench the people who are on the ride.
But seeing how we went early to this ride that was not a problem for us. The only thing we forgot to do was put our money and tickets into a plastic bag to keep them from getting soaked. Right after this ride we chose to continue with the wet them and rode the log ride once. It was not even a question after that ride we were going to try and dry off using the roller coaster and other rides to supply the wind.
The tidal wave and the turn of the century were the ones we chose to attempt to sped up the drying process. Wet jeans just don't fit well. Well these two rides put M past her endurance and she became very sick. Even though she has been on them before and had a great time riding them this time it was too much and I think that she might not be able to go on rides again. Which was vary sad to say the least because we loved to go on rides together.
The last time we went to Lagoon we had fun running from ride to ride and our favorite then was the Cliffhanger. So we took our friends over to it so we could show them what they had been missing. I love this ride, the seats are two rows that the operators can lock into position then rotate so the row is completely upside down twenty feet above the ground. To make it more interesting they shoot water up at the passengers. Only this time when I rode this ride I got a bloody nose from being held upside down too long. So even though it is a ride I enjoy I do not know if I can go on it again.
To the left of this ride was the spider I have never been on this ride and did not care for what it looked like but our friends had and loved it so they encouraged me to ride it with them while M stayed on the sidelines while her sickness was going away. The Spider was a fun ride but it ranks up there with the wild mouse (which I hate and will never go on it again, However M likes the wild mouse) I would go on the Spider again but it would not be the first thing I would run to.
The one I would run too would be Wicked this ride is one I could ride on all day it only last about ten seconds but it is a blast. I have only seen a few pictures of rides that looked like this and even then I wanted to go on one. This is Lagoon's newest ride and was vary popular the lie took about twenty to thirty minutes to get through; however, it was well worth the wait.
I especially liked the sound effect of a rocket when the ride started signaling the take off up the vertical tower leading to a straight drop off. Just describing it makes me want to ride it again. M thought I was nuts to even want to go on a ride like this what can I say I must be a little nuts. It was very fun and I know M would have had a blast on it. There is one ride that M and I really enjoy it is the Top Eliminator this ride simulates real dragsters. It is position on tracks so that no one will crash but the control of the speed is all in the hands of the rider. Reaching speeds of 75 mph in less that 2.8 seconds to read more about it click hear.
We raced three times to see who could get the best time and with four cars to race it was perfect we all could race against one another. The picture is bad but you can get the Idea. Each of the rides we went on can be found at Lagoon's web site. Before we could call it a day we had to ride three more rides one of them was the white roller coaster (this is another ride the I do not like) it is Lagoon's legacy ride it is old and made out of wood.
Not one that is smooth in the turns or the rises. Every time I ride it I'm very thankful to not have died. I know others enjoy it so I will not make it out to seem worse than it is. Every time I go to Lagoon I ride it but every time. Manly it is because someone in my group wants to try it out. Even after all of my attempts to convince other wise. It wont be until after the ride that I will hear that they should have taken my advice. Unlike the Wild Mouse I will ride the White Roller coaster just in case any one was wondering what the difference is between the two.
Next is also a new one that I have wanted to ride when it first was put in the park but M did not and even this trip would not ride it. The Rocket is a intense ride the like the name states stars off like a rocket. At about one hundred feet stops and drops back down to the starting platform. I thought for a second during this ride that I was going to die but just for a second other than that I enjoyed the comments from my friend as the ride took off.
I wish that I could remember exactly what he said but that is impossible for me to recall. Just the force form taking off make the restraints feel loose and like I could fall out. Then on the way down the seat feel like they disappeared because now I was falling faster than gravity could pull giving a weight less effect even though the ground was rushing toward me.
After the Rocket we all rode on the Bat which is the only hanging ride that Lagoon has and we all enjoyed that ride even M who said she would enjoy riding it again. It was a mild ride but still very fun and I could enjoy riding it several times. After all of our rides were done we went around to the games and tried our luck at several different ones. M won on the Mini golf challenge, and we almost won several times at the classic bottle and ball game. The one we won at was the whack-a-mol game which is where we won a couple of care bears for our girls. The only bad part of our day was the driving in Utah. That is always going to be a sore spot for me.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
New Features
I have discovered several new features that I can offer on my blog and I have added a few that I think will be beneficial for everyone including me. I'm only having one little problem and that is putting it all together in a visual appeasing manner that will allow them to be seen and used. So far I added another daily quote at the top of my blog, a new picture, a poll on random questions, a new blog buddies list titled double stuff (if you want to be added to that let me know who you are and I will add it), a followers link, What's up in the world breaking news, a subscribe to, a slide show, labels, New music, a music search, astronomy picture of the day, NASA picture of the day, Watch shows online, and a you tube slide show. How ever I need some opinions on what I should keep and where I should put it. I do not like clutter or random placed objects. However, If you think my site would do better off with out a specific item, perhaps I'm missing something, or should move it to a different spot let me know.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Music Tag
I found this at ramblings of an otherwise coherent mind and thought it look like fun. You might enjoy what your about to read or not but I liked it.
1. Put you music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense. NO CHEATING!
4. Tag 5 people (or not)
5. With the answer, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.
Something's Missing (John Mayer) - Some times it does feel that way.
Ignition Remix (R. Kelly) - All I need to do is start the ignition
Invisible Touch (Genesis) - I'm Invisible!
The Space Between (Dave Matthews) - The Space between me and my spouse grows smaller and smaller each day.
Turn it on Again (Genesis) - I had no Idea that it was your theme song..
That's All (Genesis) - Apparently that's all of it.
Bigger than my body (John Mayer) - I often felt lost in the crowd.
Hold On My Heart (Genesis) - Keep what maters most to me close.
Play (Jennifer Lopez) - We play games together be it board games or golf.
Stay (Lisa Loeb & Nine Stories) - Could not have put it better myself stay home.
A thousand Miles (Vanessa Carlton) - It felt like they lived a thousand miles away before they passed on.
Hanging by a moment (Lifehouse) - Some times it is hanging by a moment like around finals week
Sadhana (Steve Stevens) - I love this song it is a guitar solo found on the woods and steal record(I wish I could play like that).
Can't Escape my love (Enrique Iglesias) - I'm very sweet to everyone (unless they can't drive well).
Heaven is a place on earth (Belinda Carlisle) - How reassuring is that.
Move Along (All American Rejects) - Either I have some great dance moves or I need to go on to something new.
Disturbia (Rihanna) - I guess that the answer is disturbing ;)
No Such Thing (John Mayer) - **Whimper** that's not good.
Higher (Gloria Estefan) - Reach for the stars.
Swing Swing All-American Rejects) - This song is the one that my girls love. I used it (along with the visualization in media player)to distract them when they were crying.
Can't Help Falling In love (A*Teens) - Well it does have a nice beat and good lyrics.
Say (John Mayer) - I would say a lot of things to this person none of which I should repeat.
Life is a Highway (Rascal Flatts) - I always kept her on her toes. One word Ants.
Reach (Gloria Estefan) - I'm really elastic man! Able to stretch to "fantastic" lengths.
(there is NO hidden meaning M just pure chance *wink wink*)
Apologize (Timbaland) - That's right. They had better apologize.
Ride Wit Me (City Spud) - Lets go for a ride.
Well that is the end I hope that it made you smile even a little and yes my player was on shuffle these were the ones that came up. My music is not the most extensive but I do have a lot of songs. If you want to try it then you have been tagged. I do however want to tag a couple of people, they are:
Have fun and I can't what to read your post's. Now you know what type of music I listen to
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
This is site is a must see. First off the creator is a good friend who has treated me well. I had know that he has taken pictures in the past in fact I know what happens to the pictures that are deemed as "looser pictures". Needles to say I'm not sure who has them, or where the stack of 300+ pictures are at this moment. Aside form those looser pictures I had seen few of the pictures that were deemed good. Now I have the opportunity to purchase anyone that I want which is a staggering task of trying to narrow down my favorites to one or even just a few. Right now on his sight if you send people to it you can be entered into a contest to win the picture of your choice, but hurry the drawing will end soon visit his site to learn more about the giveaway. If you would like to read his blog you can click the link here Adventures & Misadventures of Daily Living or select his blog from my list of friends under the heading "Double Stuff". Tell him Rich sent you.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Fall Fun
Even though the Autumn season started a wile ago It was not until yesterday that our tree out front started to drop it's leafs. Our sidewalk, grass, and car was covered in a thick layer of leafs. We decides to take advantage of the new fallen leafs by gartering them up into a large pile and jump in them. M and I have never played like this in the leafs so what a perfect time to start and share what we missed out on growing up and make sure that our girls have a good memories. We jumped in piles of leaf tossed had full of leafs into the air and took lots of pictures. It turned out to be a good opportunity to grow closer as a family.
For our anniversary M and I gave each other the books that we have been wanting for awhile. M's book is "Inside every woman" and mine is "Brisingr" along with the preceding two books. Latter that evening we went to a trunk or treat in our old ward. All of our neighbors are in that ward while M and I are in a different ward of our choosing. The event was enjoyable and entertaining. Plus the girls were having a ball playing games and receiving candy. The girls, M, and I had a great time. For our family costume we decided to go as a set of Lego's. We used cardboard boxes and plastic cups that we spray painted. To attach the cups we cut out holes, in the front of the box, that were just smaller than the cup so we could insert the cups snugly. I was the blue Lego M was the red Lego J was the purple Lego and A was the pink Lego.
When we came home we decided to use our circular cutouts to "spot" our neighbors door. Before we had a chance to take a snapshot of our handy work we were interrupted by a car screeching to a halt right out front of our house. For about ten seconds all I could see was clouds of blue smoke wafting into the head light beams of the car. M on the other hand saw the whole thing happen the little girl wanting her mommy then running out into the street after her only to be hit by the car. I have never been so close to an accident like that before M took off running to the girl almost instantly while I stood in unbelief not completely knowing what had just happened. Luckily the little girls was not injured even though she was knocked down. Needless to say we ended our anniversary on a very sobering note. We did get a picture of the door though and had a little fun with our neighbors before the day was over. The note says "You've been spotted!"
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Six years ago at 10:30 I was blessed with the companionship of the most wonderful person in the world. I just wanted to post a little about her. My nick name for her is "M". She has been the driving force behind me to get back into school. On top of that she is an wonderful example for how to be a good parent, student, and friend. Today she let me sleep in until I needed to go into work, and brought me breakfast in bed. I just wanted to take this opportunity to say how much I love her and thank her for all she had done for me. I love you M.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Did you know!
My CIS teacher showed us this clip of information and I thought it had a lot of amazing information. So I decided to share it with everyone. The First one is the one my teacher showed my class just follow the link bellow. The second one is one I found online and it almost shows the same information.
1. Click on the link bellow to view it.
2. Click on the play button to view it.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Yesterday I had a presentation due in my biology lab. My group decided to find information on amphibians to present. Well I was chosen to create the power point while everyone else would send me the important points of there parts. Well It did not turn out that way. What happened was one person sent me information that I could not open because it was corrupt. The second one sent me information but not in the format that would have helped me make the presentation. So not only did I have to create the power point but I had to sift through all the information and find the key points to present. I did not mind much until I realized that I had forgotten and missed the dead line for an online quiz because I was spending so much time on the presentation. Then I was not very happy good thing that my grad could take the hit and not be effected by it too much. But it was not only my quiz that I missed but study time for a math test. My math class is one that I'm struggling in and I know that it is my fault for letting it go and not worrying about it. It just never seem like there is enough time in the day for everything that I need to do. Lately it feels like I start something and the next minuet it is 1 a.m. and I'm no were near being done or understanding what I'm studding. I think that I have a learning block or something I just can not grasp things very quickly and it is not limited to math and biology but every class that I have taken (minus the P.E. ones) have turned out that way. Questions that I should know the answer to I draw a complete blank even if we just went over the answer five seconds ago. What could help me remember?
Why can't I remember? That are the question I keep trying to find an answer to.
Here is a picture of an amphibian that I did my presentation on it is called a caecilian

Friday, October 3, 2008
Great Deals for Collage Students
Just this semester I learned about some great deals for collage students that I feel like I should pass along. First off I have a Computer Information class and as part of the classes home page is this link. It is a deal that Microsoft puts on for collage students. You half to be a student with 0.5 credits and have a valid edu email address. The deal is you can purchase the 700.00 dollar office suite which includes everything that Microsoft has made for the price of 59.95 dollars. The site is called "The Ultimate Steal" and not only does it give collage students this great deal on office 2007 but several other deals on other software. I will post any other deals I come across and if you know of one and want to share the tip to other then just reply to this post and leave a link to the sight.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
New Hobby
This last summer I picked up a new hobby one that can become very expensive. I have discovered that I love to golf or at least pretend to golf. It all started when one of my good friends invited me to join him and another friend for a game of golf. Well I have played the game before and without much luck or enthusiasm to ever try again. however I was persuaded to go one more time and found out that I really enjoyed it. Especially when we reached the last hole where the green was specked with yellow autumn leafs. If you know me I really enjoy the fall colors and weather. Well after that game I was hooked and wanted to go again. So a few days later I went out an purchased my own set of clubs. Now I have gone several times to the golf course and to the driving range and I'm improving every time that I go. I even find myself wanting to go and hit a bucket of ball to relieve my pent up stress. This is what my clubs look like.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
New Car
Over the weekend My wife and I decided to go and check out our local auction and if we could purchase a second car. Well our first two choices of cars went way over our spending limit. However our third choice did not and we were able to purchase it.
This is what our new car is. If you can not tell it is a Mitsubishi Eclipse. It has been a very great blessing to finely have two vehicles we now can get earns done while the other is at school or work. Plus it is very fun to drive. ;-)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Funny things that my girls have said to me
My wife and I decided one day to get a chore chart going for our children to get them motivated to do more around the house. When we finely found one and started using it my eldest who was overly excited about the chart asked me "Daddy what's on my schedule for today?"
Lately my youngest has been in this fascination with Winnie the Pooh. Well one day she was trying to get ready for the day and was having trouble putting her shirt on. I was about ready to help her when she frustrated exclaimed "oh! bother". Needles to say Winnie the Pooh has been shelved. :-)
Five things you might not know about me.
1. I have taken and passed a foil fencing class. My favorite part about that class was learning all the tricks that one can do with a foil. Like throwing a sword to another fencer either by flipping the sword with ones foot or from the tip of the sword. Then my personal favorite starts with the sword at ones side pointing to the ground then pressing the blade further toward the ground causing the blade to bend. With the sword in this position the owner lets go and the sword will flip up and rotate 180 degrees. This maneuver makes it possible to spring the sword up into the air landing in the owners hand ready to fight. If done right one could add a little spin in place for artistic flair.
2. I play the guitar, and I'm currently learning how to play the piano; however I do know one song and it is not the one that most people thinking of aka"chop sticks". If you know me then you probably already know what song I'm referring to if not I wont spoil it for you. I am also trying to learn how to play the violin, so that it will be the crown jewel of my musical accomplishments when I have learned that instrument.
3. My Major in Collage is Geology with and emphasis in planetary geology. I will graduate with two minors one is in business and the other is in G.I.S technology. I have been hoping to double major, but I have yet to find one that will work in my schedule. One of my goals in life has been to graduate with a doctorate in an field that I love to do.
4. I love to fix things it does not matter if it is electrical, mechanical, wood working, including anything that breaks around the house. I'm not very good when it things get too technical but I can hold my own. ;)
5. I love to golf. My best drive to date has been over 225 yard. Now that might not seem like a lot but I just started golfing in July of this year. Technically I have only played 6 games of golf (9 holes each) in my life 4 of those games were this summer. I have gone to the driving range 4 times in my life and they all were this summer. My average score per game is a 58. Not the greatest but not bad for a beginner.
Now it is your turn list five things that people might not know about yourself on your blog and leave a comment here.
This post was inspired by my wife.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Memory tag
Revisiting old memories with family and friends is always fun but some memories slip. Some memories that we have created though we at the time thought we will never forget them have not become so faint that we don't know if it was a dream or reality. So hear is a way we all can benefit from each other all I ask is to keep it G rated and play along. I found this Idea on another blog and thought that it was a stupendous idea. The fowling is the original post that can be found on the above mentioned blog just edited a little.
A little game called MEMORY TAG...du du du dun! I have a horrible memory, but I thought this might help bring some of it back. Anyway look's fun, I'll try it!
Here are the directions:
1. Add a comment on my blog and leave a memory that you and I had together.It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember! I guess good or bad, but be nice!!I
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.
New Look
Just the other day my wife and I was looking at other blogs and noticed that some if not all had changed there look and layout. Feeling the need for an improvement in my blog I started to look at other templates and backgrounds. Then as a mishap my side were placed out of there normal order. Leading me to recognize that not only did my background need changing but my side elements too. Thanks to my sister who just started her blog I discovered some new elements that I happen to like more that the originals I had. So all of my work and playing around has created the new face of My Mint Oreo's I hope you like it.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
As the Years Pass
This year marks my ten year high school reunion; yes, I graduated in 1998. But what is amazing to me is that every now and again I will run into an old friend form school. For a few moments I find myself stunned to see someone form that time era. However, it never last long we get to talking and then discover what the other has been doing for the past few years. Then it occurs to me there was another group of people that I was close to for two years then I left them behind. For that group it has been eight years since I saw anyone or even spoken to anyone form there. Just the other day I went to the web site where everyone post their information, and I was shocked to see that few if any that I had know post anything. Lately I have found myself thinking back on those times wanting to know just how each of my friend are doing and what they are doing. As of yet I have never ran into anyone form there. I do hope that changes.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
4 things about me
I received an e mail from my friend and thought that everyone would enjoy reading my answers.
Four things about me that you may or may not have known in any particular order. The directions are at the end.
Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Retail sails person (Office Max)
2. Machine operator (Ballard Medical)
3. Customer Service Manager (Wal-mart)
4. Insulation Installer (Interwest Insulation)
Four movies I have watched more than once:
1. Transformers
2. Oscar
3. Star trek generations
4. Back to the future
Four places I've lived:
2. Roseville, CA
3. Redding, CA
4. Grass Valley, CA
Four TV shows I watch:
1. Chuck
2. Who's line is it anyway
3. Knight rider
4. When ever I get the chance Discovery
Who I think will respond:
1. you
2. maybe not you
3. my friend (maybe its you)
4. my family (maybe its you)
Things I am looking forward to this year:
2. Camping / Hiking
3. Getting in contact with old friends
4. Ridding my Mountain bike
Four talents you have:
1. Playing the guitar
2. Wood working
3. Spending money :)
4. Playing with my kids
Now, Here's what you're supposed to do... And please
do not spoil the fun.
For blogs ( Copy and paste this into you blog, and delete my answers and type in your answers. Then leave a comment on my blog with a link to your's so everyone can get to know you.)
For e-mail (Hit forward, delete my answers and type in your
answers or copy and paste. Then send this to a whole bunch of people you know INCLUDING the person who sent it to you.)
The theory is that you will learn a lot of little known facts about
those who know you. Remember to send it back to the person
who sent it to you.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Spring Break :)
For spring break this semester we decided to go on a mine vacation to Utah. More specifically we went to Ogden and Sandy Utah. The trip was just the right amount of distance form home so that you could easily forget all your worry's and enjoy your self.
Our first stop on our vacation was at the dinosaur museum in Ogden. Where my girls along with some of their friends discovered dinosaurs around every corner. I wished we could have gone a little slower so we could read about each exhibit. But when children think that they are discovering something new around every bend they race to be the first to see it. From my stand point it was very amusing to watch their excitement increases with each passing minuet, and I rather enjoyed just watching their faces with every new discovery.
To top it off the museum had some very fun activities that, for a fee, you could dig up polished rock out of their gravel pit. While my girls were busy doing that I was picking out some geodes that I wanted to have cut. Over all the museum was very effective in getting me to forget my worry's.
Next we went to the Mayan restaurant, the food was good and the entertainment was amazing. This restaurant's boasts that you will have a South American jungle experience. You sit in the branches of a three story tree full of rain forest animals. Its entertainment is centered around a water fall, taller than the tree that stands across form it, where actors will jump into a pool some 60 feet below.
To finish up our vacation we took our kid to the build a bear workshop in the gateway mall. Where my girls enjoyed giving their bears a air bath and picking out clothing for their bears.
This vacation was the best that I have had in a very long time. In fact it was so good that I completely forgot about all of my homework that was due when spring break ended.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
The every elusive top grade
You see I never thought that this day would ever come where one of my assignments is marked as the top grade achieved out of the class. In my past educational history I have never had the honor of having the top score on any work that I have done. Most of my work would range some where in the middle close to the top but never quite the best. During my grade school years my efforts were fruitless I felt like a trout jumping up a water fall and not quite making it to the top to continue up the river. No matter how hard I tried it just was not enough to get to the top of the water fall I always fell short like the trout. Never being able to gain the top spot was a pattern that continued to plague me all through my high school years, even into collage. Even though I had always done my best I was now becoming so accustom to falling short that I believed it was always going to happen.
With my first English assignment being handed back today I did not want to get my hopes up just to get them dashed. With my previous experiences as undeniable proof I believed that there would be no change. My desired achievement would ever remain elusive like a deer evading the hunter. Then Monday the 4th of February rolled around like in the past, posted on the board was the range of points that would define what grade I achieved. So expecting another average grade my paper was handed back to me, without looking at the score on it I quickly shoved it into my binder as to conceal it form other students. Hopping that my professor would not go over and explain how her grading worked, so I could delay looking at my master peace ripped to peaces. I began taking out my note book and got ready to start taking notes on her lecture. However, my professor started into an explanation on her grading system and how the grades ranged. With dread creeping on me I pulled out my paper to asses the damage this time to my self-esteem.
Stunned at what my eyes were telling me thoughts like, This can’t be what I think I’m seeing and Could it possibly be true? When I heard my professors declare that the top grad received by a student was exactly the same number that I was looking at on my paper. Instantly my heart began to swell with pride as a renewed hope began to blossom replacing gloom and discouragement. Then sever thought rushed around my mind like, Mine is the best score there is none better than mine and finely! With this swelling realization I just wanted to jump up and yell “I did it!” But the lecture was starting and my moment was over after so many years and it was over just like that. It just didn’t seem fare that no one was congratulating me and partying, and where were the balloons and confetti?
Thursday, January 31, 2008
The Gap Filler
On a good note just the other day my dd informed me that she has a green puppy named Charkie, lol. I'v been whating for the stage where she has imagenary friends. It is so fun to see her interact with her puppy. I wish I could rember my imagenary friend; can you rember any?